TempMon: Monitoring Migraines (and Weather) ******************************************** Like many people, I have a few migraines every once in a while. I assumed this had to do with a lack of fresh air and adequate exercise. I love going and sitting in wide open spaces, and naturally, headaches subsided whenever I went to Hampi to sleep under a tree. I just assumed it was the city. Doctors blamed lack of exercise. Perhaps it was all these things. In my need to find out what was wrong, I began monitoring **all** my migraines, big or small, since June-July 2016. I use MigraineBuddy for this, and it's proven to be really convenient. However I didn't stop there. I began buying NodeMCUs and hooked them up everywhere. I have a bunch at work, constantly monitoring the temperature and humidity. I have a sensehat at home that constantly monitors the temperature and humidity. TempMon is a simple project. I want my devices to tell me to drink more water when the **humidity** changes. Why? Because two years of data have taught me that the root cause of headaches isn't alcohol, isn't lack of exercise, isn't the food I eat, but purely sudden changes in humidity. I have a super power. I can tell when it's going to rain out of the blue, because I'll have a headache that day.